VACRO is thrilled to welcome researcher and evaluator Janis Constable to the newly created role of Strategic Projects Consultant.

Janis brings to VACRO 20 years of extensive professional experience in Aboriginal rights research and policy development, including seven years at the Human Rights Commission.

Key points:
  • Janis Constable has started as VACRO’s Strategic HR Projects Consultant
  • This role was created in early 2021 to strengthen VACRO's work in diversity and inclusion
  • That work leads to a stronger, healthier workplace, improved practice, and better outcomes for participants

Janis is connected to the Wiradjuri people of the Bathurst area of New South Wales through her father’s family.

VACRO CEO Marius Smith said Janis' appointment would help strengthen VACRO's work through embracing diversity.

"The first thing I noticed about VACRO when I started in 2019 was the positive culture of the place – it really is a warm, welcoming, non-judgmental work environment," he said. "However, we always need to strive to be welcoming, tolerant and supportive, and that means constantly probing that culture and identifying ways to be even better."

Early priorities for Janis’ work involve auditing diversity at VACRO, and establishing a diversity and inclusion advisory group, to fill gaps in service delivery and governance and to understand how VACRO can strengthen our organisation by further embracing diversity.

Janis will also review policies and procedures to ensure the principles of the MARAM family violence response framework are embedded in VACRO's work. We're thrilled to welcome Janis to this important new role.

"VACRO wanted to reflect its values and see where it might be able to increase its diversity – looking at: how can we be better at what we do?" said Janis.

"That’s everything from drawing upon people with lived experience, working with particular cultural groups in prison, liaising with groups in communities. VACRO actually does a lot of the work without even realising it. So, I’m focusing on what we’re doing well at the moment, and what we can do better."

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