Transforming justice Policy Policy Vacro advocates for systemic change that leads to a fairer justice system for all. You can download our 2022-25 Policy Priorities here. Read the Policy Priorities Policy Position Papers As part of Vacro's 2022-2025 policy and advocacy framework, a series of position papers have been developed that correspond to our 12 policy priorities for 2022-5. The policy position papers are short documents outlining Vacro's position on a priority policy issue. They include some clear, concise information about the problem, its context, and Vacro's proposed solutions. 1. Move away from prison and towards alternative responses to crime. 2. Reduce the number of people incarcerated in Victoria. 3. Forthcoming 4. Bring Victoria up to international standards for the treatment of people in prison. 5. Provide the same access to and standards of healthcare and disability services in prison as in the community. 6. Reform prison industry and training. 7. Formal recognition and support for families and children of people in prison. 8. Fund long-term, evidence-based reintegration programs for everyone leaving prison. 9. Expand access to parole. 10. Provide more housing for people leaving prison. 11. Support people leaving prison to find work. 12. Make sure no one is released from prison into poverty. Our Comprehensive Vision for Families in Contact with the Criminal Justice System proposes a holistic network of supports for families, from the point of arrest, through the court and prison systems and back into the community. We've also identified the whole-of-system changes needed to support this vision. Read the Vision for Families Policy Submissions Vacro advocates for these policy priorities in submissions and testimony to inquiries, through direct advocacy, and by engaging on issues in traditional and social media. Here is a selection of our most recent submissions: Vacro submission to the Inquiry into Women's Pain (July 2024) This submission was co-authored by members of Vacro's Lived Experience Panel. The authors draw on their expertise as women with lived experience of managing pain in prison to provide the Inquiry with information on the types of pain women experience in prison, how prisons manage (or do not manage) that pain, and how women care for their own and each other's pain. We also outline our vision for how pain should be treated and managed in the prison system. Read the Submission Vacro submission to the ALRC Inquiry into Justice Responses to Sexual Violence (May 2024) Vacro's submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission's Inquiry into Justice Responses to Sexual Violence draws on our substantial experience working with people who are integrating into the community after being convicted of sexual offences. It makes recommendations for governments to invest in specialised, comprehensive, evidence-based services targeted specifically to this cohort. These services should include early intervention and prevention initiatives that are available from a participant's first point of contact with the justice system. Those who have been convicted of sexual offences and sentenced to prison should also be able to access pre-release reintegration planning and post-release reintegration support that involves a multidisciplinary team and supports them to build new self-narratives and pro-social bonds while promoting community inclusion. Read the submission Vacro submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission (housing and homelessness) (February 2024) Our response to the Yoorrook Justice Commission's housing and homelessness issues paper was grounded in our experience supporting people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, to access housing and avoid homelessness post-release. Like other people leaving prison, finding housing and avoiding homelessness is one of the most important and most challenging parts of their reintegration journey for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants, but this experience is exacerbated further by the systemic racism of housing markets, the under-resourcing of specialist community-controlled housing and homelessness service, and a lack of cultural safety among mainstream housing and homelessness services. Read the submission Read previous submissions below: 2023 submissions 2022 submissions 2021 submissions Vacro policy contact Abigail Lewis, Senior Policy and Advocacy Advisor, [email protected] Please note that requests from students relating to policy and advocacy should be sent to Vacro's student placement page. Manage Cookie Preferences